Saturday, September 24, 2011

Asthma/Bronchitis Treatments

The questions usually come to our mind about Asthma are: What is asthma, how does asthma differ from bronchitis, what are the diagnostic tests of asthma, what are causes of asthma, what to do during asthmatic attack,  is asthma curable, can asthma be prevented with change of life style, what are traditional remedies/natural therapies of asthma, yoga and other physical exercises for asthma, what are asthma medicines, does asthma medicines need to be taken life-long, what are the side-effects of asthma medicines, does asthma retard the growth and development of the child etc. etc.
Asthma and Bronchitis have similar symptoms of chest congestion, coughing, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing caused by inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Actually, only a doctor can correctly diagnose and identify if one is suffering from Asthma or Bronchitis and prescribe a proper treatment accordingly.
Bronchitis is inflammation of the main airways followed by infection (Bacterial or viral) in the lungs that causes difficulty in breathing, coughing out yellowish green thick sputum/mucus, chest discomfort, wheezing and sometimes low grade fever. Bronchitis is normally curable. But Bronchitis can become chronic also, especially in smokers. Bronchitis is more common in the children, elderly people and the heavy smokers.
Asthma is an allergic chronic lung disease (may be hereditary, environmental or due to some medication, smoking etc.) which cause wheezing and chest discomfort, may be coughing but often without mucus. In severe asthma one cannot talk even. Asthma is considered as not curable. Asthmatic attack can be triggered by cold air, dust, or strong emotions.

One should follow the scientific treatment and practices to control Asthma to live a quality life and should avoid to follow the myths which make the life a misrable one.
Yoga for asthma, bronchitis and other breathing disorders:Yoga should be done only when one is normal. Yoga should preferably be done early morning or at sun set with empty stomach on a yoga mat (specially fabricated sticky mats). Yoga should preferably be done under medical supervision and guidance of an yoga expert.Regular practice of Yogasanas and Pranayama can certainly have a positive effect on the asthma, bronchitis and other breathing disorders. Yoga focuses on controlled breathing. It improves the blood circulation which gives rich supply of oxygen to all parts of the body, thus helps them getting activated and energized. Slowly it improves the functioning of the bronchial tubes and the lungs and diminishes the mucus therein, thus, treating asthma, bronchitis and other breathing disorders. Yoga by toning up and relaxing the stressed muscles helps in calming the nerves, mind and the body and make them free from stress, anxieties, depressions and emotional instabilities. Yoga exercises reduce allergic sensitivities and improve the immune system to provide necessary resistance to the body.
Tarasana: Stand straight keeping the feet together with the feet making an angle. The knees should be straight and keep the hands tight and firm. Start inhaling and stretching the arms forward keeping the palms facing each other. Then, start exhaling and stretching the arms on the sides, palms facing downwards. Then, start inhaling and stretching the arms upwards, palms facing each other. Stay in this position for few seconds. Start exhaling and bringing down the arms to the original position. This Yogasana steadies breathing, improves blood circulation and calms the body and the mind, thus, gives relief to asthmatic patients.
Sukhasana/Swastikasana: A comfortable sitting pose. Cross the legs, touching sole of the right foot with the base of the left thigh and the sole of the left foot with the base of the right thigh. Join the thumbs of the hands with the index fingers and place the left hand on the left knee and right hand on the right knee. Straighten the spine, drop the shoulders down and back and press the chest towards the front. Close the eyes and relax the body. Let the tongue rest on the roof of the mouth, just behind the front teeth. Breathe deeply through the nose down into the belly. Deep breathing lessens the stress on your heart and lungs, thus, helps in controlling asthma, bronchitis and other breathing disorders.
Shoulder Lifts: To release the tension of the shoulders. Take a comfortable sitting pose keeping the back straight and neck relaxed. Start inhaling and slowly raise the right shoulder and then start exhaling whilst slowly dropping it down. Similarly, raise the left shoulder and drop it down. Lastly, do this with both the shoulders together. Repeat it for some more times. This helps a lot in improving asthma, bronchitis and other breathing disorders.
Matsyasana: Lie down straight on back with legs straight. Bend the knees a bit and try to make an arch by lifting the chest and then the whole trunk with the elbows and sliding the head backward resting the crown of the head at the mat. Breathe and stay in this position for few seconds and then come back to the original lying position. This can be repeated for 2-3 times. This Yogasana tones up the nerves, thus, helps a lot in improving asthmatic conditions.
Bhujangasana: Lie down with the torso touching the mat, the toes kept together, turned outwards and touching the mat. The heels should also touch each other and the soles turned backwards. Keep the palms parallel to, on either sides of the chest and touching to the mat. Start inhaling slowly and raise the trunk and the head curving the spine with forearms touching the sides of the chest. Stay in this pose for some time. Start exhaling and slowly come to the original position. This Yogasana strengthen the chest muscles, thus helps to control the asthmatic conditions.
Anulom-Vilom Pranayam: Sit down in any comfortable pose keeping the back straight preferably in Padmasana (Place the toe of the left leg on the right thigh and heel on the groin of the left leg. Place the toe of the right leg on the right thigh and heel on the groin of the right leg. Keep the wrist of both the hands on the respective knees) or Sukhasana (Place the heel of the left leg on the perineum. Place the heel of the right leg over the left leg heel and place hands on respective knees as in Padmasana). Close the eyes. Now close the right nostril with right thumb and inhale deeply through the left nostrils. Hold the air in the lungs for sometime. Close the left nostril with the ring and middle fingers of the right hand and slowly exhale through the right nostril. Hold for some time and then inhale deeply through the right nostril, hold the air for sometime. Close the right nostril with right thumb and slowly exhale through the left nostril. Now reverse the process. Do it for about 15 minutes and may take a minute’s rest after every five minutes.
This Yoga Pranayam clears the nasal passage, prevents sinus clogging and allows free breathing which help in controlling asthma, bronchitis and other breathing disorders.
Kapalabhati: Sit in any comfortable position or in Padmasana or Sukhasana. Inhale deeply through the nose. Exhale forcefully and quickly making a hissing sound through the mouth with tightened lips. The belly and diaphragm should contract and press the navel towards the spine with each exhale. An inhalation and exhalation is one round. Do it for 10 times and can slowly increase to 30 times. Then rest in Shavasana.This Yoga Pranayam saturates the bloodstream of lungs with oxygen, improves free breathing, thus, helps in controlling asthma, bronchitis and other breathing disorders. 
Exercises to control Asthma/Bronchitis: As and when advised by a qualified doctor, otherwise, sometimes it may result in exercise-induced asthmatic attacks. Deep breathing in green environment, walking, jogging, stretching, swimming, biking, etc.
Foods to be avoided to control Asthma/Bronchitis: Though there is no general rule to avoid any food in all asthmatic cases, food allergy can be a cause of it which needs to be diagnosed. The foods generally taken care are - fried/ baked foods like pizza, dairy products like curd, ice cream, cold beverages, frozen foods, high fat and high sugar foods like chocolates, cookies, cakes, sour foods like sauces, potatoes or potato chips, white bread, rice, yellow cheese, red meat etc.Wine may cause serious Asthma attack to people who are sensitive or allergic to sulphites. The highest levels of sulphites are found in dried fruit, wine, beer, cordial, convenience foods such as pizzas and oven chips, jam, some seafood products and processed meat.
Cut down your alcoholic, smoking, caffeine and drugs taking habits
Foods to control Asthma/Bronchitis:

( L to R: Ginger, Black Pepper, Cinnamom, Great Cardamom, Long Pepper, Common Fig, Basil & Licorice Roots)

Fresh fruit and vegetables like pumpkin seeds, carrots, leeks (a kind of green onion), beet root, and cantaloupe melon (Kharbooja), Pineapple, Citrus fruits (lemons, limes and oranges, especially grapefruit), Watermelon, Pears, Asparagus, Spinach, Mustard greens (Sarson ka Saag), Ginger, Garlic, Onions, Cauliflower, Celery (Ajwain), Thyme leaves (Ban ajwain), Flaxseeds (Alsi), sesame seed (Til), Chicory - Cichorium intybus (Kasni), Horseradish, Scallions (Kanda or Gandana), Seaweed, Lobster, almonds etc. build body resistance and are known to help to control Asthma/bronchitisand other breathing disorders.
Microbes (like probiotics) found in curd and milk have beneficial effect in the prevention as well as treatment of allergic diseases like asthma.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Stress free life with adequate rest of sound sleep at night.

Herbs good for Asthma/Bronchitis: Holy Basil (Kali/ Ram Tulsi), Ginger (Adrak), Cinnamom (Dal Chini), Black Pepper (Kali Mirach), Common Fig (Anjir), Licorice Root (Mulethi), Asafoetida (Hing), Fennel (Saunf), Bay leaf (Tej patta), Melon seeds (Magaj), Sultanas (Munakka), Cardamom (Elaichi), Vasaka (Arusha), Somlata, Hyssop (Jufa), Yellow Berried Nightshade (Kantkari), Bharangi, Ginko Biloba etc.
Other herbal treatments to control Asthma/bronchitis:
• Take equal amounts of powder of dried ginger, black pepper, and long pepper (Pippali) with honey.
• A teaspoonful of honey and ginger juice dissolved in hot water.
• Two spoonful juice of Malabar nut (Vasa/Arusa) – Adhatoda vasica.
• Take warm decoction of Ginger, Cinnamom (Dal Chini), Black Pepper, Great Cardamom (Badi Elaichi)   and basil (Tulsi) sweetened with honey.
• Take a bowl of hot water, add 2-3 drops of lavender/ Eucalyptus oil and inhale.
• Take a combination of beet root juice, carrot and spinach juice.
• Inhale steam before going to sleep to clear the respiratory track.
• Keep bedroom air moist with a humidifier/vaporizer.
Doctors prescribe the use of inhalers which they consider as a surer and safer device to manage asthma than the use of antibiotics, cough syrups and antihistamines. 

Food supplements/Vitamins to control Asthma/Bronchitis: Vitamins A, B complex, B6, C, E as well as zinc, Magnesium, Selenium etc. are known to be good to control Asthma/Bronchitis.

Dr. S. Lavasa -Asthma & Allergy, The Tribune May 23, 2012

Friday, September 23, 2011

High Blood Pressure, Causes, Care & Controls.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension): Blood  is pumped by the heart into arteries. then, it flows throughout the body through millions of minute vessels and then again pumps back to the heart through veins. Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries. It is recorded as two numbers—the systolic pressure (as the heart beats) over the diastolic pressure (as the heart relaxes between beats). Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80. Hypertension (high BP) develops in three stages - Pre-hypertension stage 120-139/ 80-89, high BP 140-159/90-99 then higher than 160/100. Earlier, it was misconception that systolic Blood Pressure should be age plus 100. Higher numbers of both the systolic and diastolic pressures should be taken seriously.
Causes of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension): While the specific cause is normally unknown, it can be due to older age, family history, diabetes, high- stress & sedentary lifestyle, obesity (overweight), high intake of common table salt (Sodium chloride), insufficient potassium, calcium & magnesium consumption, vitamin D deficiency, medication of certain drugs, excessive use of alcohol, smoking etc.
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure: Generally, no obvious symptoms appear (“the silent killer”), thus, people remain oblivious of the problem till it becomes very severe. Some people feel dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, and stroke like symptoms.

Uncontrolled or poorly treated high blood pressure may damage to heart, blood vessels, and other body organs, hence, check up and treatment of a specialist doctor is must. If one is taking some medicine for high BP, should go on taking it religiously without fail at the fixed time everyday. If the BP remains normal with medicines and other precautions, one should not stop taking the medicine of one’s own unless the doctor advises to do so. It may prove very dangerous. Unctrolled high blood pressure can lead to heart attack/failure, stroke and renal failure.
High Blood Pressure Treatments:
Yoga for high Blood Pressure (Hypertension):

Yogasanas slows down the metabolism and reduces the blood and oxygen requirements. Yoga frees the body of its stress and strain to make it fully relaxed .Yoga frees the mind of all the negativity and brings the positivism. Yoga postures improve the functioning of the endocrine glands, the digestive organs, the heart and the other organs (like the liver and the kidneys). Yoga regulates the heart beat, the blood circulation and improves oxygen supply to various organs of the body. Deep breathing during Yogasana improves the overall functioning of the body. All these factors make the body fit which helps to control high blood pressure.
Yoga should preferably be done early morning or at sun set with empty stomach on a yoga mat (specially fabricated sticky mats), preferably under the guidance and supervision of an Yoga expert. Following Yoga have very healthy effects on the body blood pressure. Proper doing of right types of Yoga and Pranayama regularly everyday can certainly have a posetive effect in controlling high blood pressure (Hypertension) and other heart problems.
Vajrasana: Sit with the knees, ankles and big toes touching the ground to take a kneeling position keeping the knees close by. Sit on the heels and place palms on the knees. Keep the back straight. Inhale and exhale slowly and concentrate on it.
Padmasana: Sit down on the ground by placing the toe of the left leg on the right thigh and heel on the groin of the left leg. Place the toe of the right leg on the right thigh and heel on the groin of the right leg. Keep the back straight and place wrist of both the hands on the respective knees. Touch the tips of the thumbs of the both hands with the tips of the index fingers. Close the eyes. Inhale and exhale slowly and concentrate on it.
Shitali Pranayam: This cools the body so it is better to be done in hot weather or at the end of a vigorous exercise. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position. Inhale deeply twice or thrice and exhale through the nose. Roll the tongue, curling the sides inwards to form a tube. Take the end of the tongue out between your pursed lips. If you cannot roll your tongue, just purse the lips making a small “o” shape with the mouth. Inhale through the tube of the tongue. Exhale through the nose. Repeat 5-10 times as you feel the cooling effect.
Moorchchha Pranayam: Sit down in any comfortable crossed-legs position. Inhale deeply through both the nostrils. Contract the neck and the throat and bring the head low. Press the chin against the chest. Hold the breath for a while and exhale through the nostrils. Relax and repeat for few more times.
Shavasana: Lie flat on the back. Place the hands 10-15 cms away from the thighs with palms up and fists slightly closed. Keep the foot heels inwards at a comfortable distance from each other and the toes outwards apart. Close the eyes. Start breathing slowly and deeply with the feeling that the whole body rising and falling with each breath. Now start scanning the body parts starting from toes to the fingers to feet upwards to legs, knees, thighs, abdomen, hips, back, chest, arms fingers, neck and face ultimately to the crown of the head. Release and relax any part you find tight or tense by suitably adjusting the same. Release all control of the breath, the mind, and the body. Move deeper and deeper into a state of total relaxation. Stay in position for 5 to 15 minutes. Then, slowly deepen the breath, wiggle the fingers and toes, stretch the whole body, then, stretch the arms over the head and exhale. Bend the knees and roll over to right side. Slowly inhale and be in a seated position.
Regular exercises:Like Aerobics (Vigorous structured movements of the body with rhythm set at the music to raise the heart beat, blood circulation and supply of Oxygen in the body), walking, cycling, jogging, swimming, dancing etc. are good for controlling the blood pressure. Persons with high BP, especially the elderly ones, should take due precautions in winter. Start a little late to avoid exposure of sensetive body parts to extreme colds. Dress up properly in layers and wear cap/hat or headband, gloves etc. to keep warm.
Adequate sleep: Sound sleep of 7-8 hours a night also helps to control high blood pressure.
Foods good for high blood pressure patients: The key food mantra is - Moderation in eating.

(L to R: Fruit, Garlic, Ginger, Bottle Gourd, Walnuts, Almonds & Flaxseeds)
Fruit and vegetables: like orange, lemon, Gooseberry (Amla), Bananas Apples, apricots, grapes, mangoes, peaches, papaya, pineapples, raisins, strawberries, dates, melons, Kale, carrot, Broccoli, Cabbage, Spinach, Lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, Beetroot (chukander), green beans, green peas, lentils.
Bottle Gourd (Lauki or Ghiya) Juice: Said to be good for hypertensive patients.
Whole Grains, seeds and nuts:
like wheat, brown rice, oat (Jaee, Bajra), Barley (Jau), guar (Gawaar), flaxseeds (Alsi), psyllium (Isabgol), Celery (Ajwain), fenugreek(Methi), fennel (Saunf), sunflower, walnut and almond.
Herbs: Garlic, turmeric, ginger, onion, cinnamon(Dal Chini), cardamom (Elaichi), hawthorn (Nagphani), Ginkgo biloba (a Chinese herb), olive leaves (Jaitun), green tea, Alfalfa, Saffron, Parsley (Ajmood), bark of Kumbuk (Arjuna), Curry Leaves(Kari Patta).

Dark chocolates: are vegetable products rich in Antioxidants are known to help to lower the high blood pressure.
Avoid sugar-sweetened soft drinks & Junk/Fast Foods:
These products have very high amount of sugar, fat and salt which causes obesity and can create several heart problems.
Blood Pressure Control Minerals/Vitamins Supplement: Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and multivitamins like – A, B. C & E are known to help to control BP. Vitaganic’s Blood Pressure Control Supplement : Calcium, Magnesium, Hawthorn Extract, Reishi Mushroom extract, Flax Seed Powder, CoQ-10, Garlic Extract, Taurine, Vitamin C, Bioflavonoid Concentrate are known to nourish circulatory system and protect overall health.

Foods to control Blood Pressure:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

High Uric Acid (Hyperuricemia): Its Normal Levels, Symptoms, Causes & Treatments:

High Uric Acid (Hyperuricemia):
The questions usually come to our mind about uric acid are: What is uric acid, what are normal levels of uric acd in the blood, what are the symptoms of high uric acid, problems caused by high uric acid, causes of high uric acid, treatments of high uric acid, can Yoga reduce uric acid, how Yoga helps in controlling the uric acid, what are Yogasanas for uric acid, what exercises to do to reduce uric acid, foods good to reduce uric acid, foods to be avoided to control uric acid, can food supplement help to reduce uric acid, etc.
Uric Acid (C5H4N4O3 ): is a chemical (waste product) produced by final oxidation (breakdown) of purines in the body, carried in the blood and excreted by the kidneys through urine. Formation of uric acid in the body is quite normal as it is a necessary substance in food metabolism. Uric acid is known to acts as an anti-oxidant and helps prevent damage to our blood vessels lining. But higher levels of uric acid in the blood are harmful. The level of uric acid in the blood rises mainly because either the kidneys are not working efficiently to excrete the excessive uric acid from the body or the uric acid level is too high for the normal kidneys to excrete the excess or due to both of the conditions. Whatever the condition, the result is high level of uric acid in the blood..
Uric Acid Normal Levels: Normal values of uric acid range between 3.5 and 7.2 mg/dL and these values of uric acid may vary slightly from laboratory to laboratory.
Uric Acid Symptoms: people with high uric acid may experience pain and discomfort in their joints, especially the heel, "Achilles Tendon". In acute attacks of high uric acid, a single joint is involved, and most often the big toe joint of the foot which becomes swollen, shiny red and extremely painful. This may lead to joint damage and chronic pain with the passage of time.
Problems caused by high Uric Acid: Gout, Arthritis, Kidney Stone, kidney failure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes etc. A new study has revealed that people with high levels of
uric acid in their blood are more likely to develop high blood pressure.
Causes of high Uric Acid: The increase of uric acid levels in the body could be hereditary, high- stress & sedentary lifestyle, due to over-eating, especially, sugary soft drinks, beer, junk food, oily foods, foods rich in purines (Sea food, red meat) & sugar, white flour and processed grains, certain medications (like that of Aspirin), reduced excretion by kidneys, temporarily over production due to rapid weight loss.
Studies show men are more susceptible to the rise of uric acid at an earlier age whilst women at the menopause stage
In case of persistent higher uric acid, despite all preventive measures, it is absolutely necessary to take timely proper treatment of a competent doctor to avoid its future complications.
High Uric Acid Treatments:
Yoga to control Uric Acid: Yoga for uric acid should preferably be done early morning or at sun set with empty stomach on a yoga mat (specially fabricated sticky mats). To start with, do slow joint movements or light exercises, body stretching, then gradually, as the body permits, can go for regular yoga/other exercises. Yoga must be done under the guidance of a well qualified Yoga instructor as wrong practicing of Yoga can have adverse effects on uric acid levels in the body. Some poses of Yoga (Yogasanas) are known to help in reducing uric acid level by improving blood circulation, massaging and toning up the inner organs, especially, the kidneys to excrete the toxins (excess uric acid) and also eases the discomfort and relieves the pain associated with the build up of uric acid in the body. Yogasanas also help in stretching the muscles and regaining their elasticity. Following Yoga have  healthy effects in reducing the high uric acid level in the body:
Paschimottanasana: It is one of the most difficult asanas to do. Sit with the legs stretched straight out in front. Breathe out. Slowly bend forward, trying to touch your feet without bending the knees. Do not push yourself too hard, it may injure your muscles. Bend forward as far as you can go. Hold this pose for some time. Exhale slowly while returning to normal position.
Ardha Matsyendrasana: Sit extending both the legs together in front, hands by the side and palms resting on the ground with fingers pointing forward. Fold the right leg at knee. Slowly set the right heel at the perineum. Now fold the left leg, bring it from above the right knee and place it by its side on the ground. Now bring the right hand on the left side of the left knee. The left knee should remain at the left side of the right armpit. Now straighten the right hand and hold the toe or ankle of the left leg. Twisting the body to the left side, look backwards, place the left hand bringing it from the back on the right thigh. Look towards the back. While returning to the original position, first release the hand from the thigh and then turn head forward. Now bring the back to normal position after loosening the right hand. Bring the left leg in original position. Bring the right leg also original position. Repeat it similarly from the other side.
Pavan Muktasana: Keep the hands by the side of the body in a supine position. While inhaling, raise both the legs to 90 degree and bend them at the knees. Make a finger-lock with both the hands around them, a little below the knees. While exhaling, bring the thighs close to the chest by contracting the abdominal muscles. Maintain this posture for a few seconds. Then return to the original position in the reverse order.
Bhujangasana: Lie down with the torso touching the mat, the toes kept together, turned outwards and touching the mat. The heels should also touch each other and the soles turned backwards. Keep the palms parallel to, on either sides of the chest and touching to the mat. Start inhaling slowly and raise the trunk and the head curving the spine with forearms touching the sides of the chest. Stay in this pose for some time. Start exhaling and slowly come to the original position.

Other exercises to control Uric Acid:
can be moderate general fitness workouts, swimming, aerobic exercises etc. as the body permits to keep the lifestyle reasonably active. Excessive and wrong kind of exercise can have adverse effects on uric acid levels in the body as dehyderation affects the kidney functions.
Foods/Diet to control Uric Acid:There is nothing  like that one need to shift entirely to the foods good for controlling high uric acid in the body. Our body needs a number of nutrients to function which cannot be had from this limited choice of foods. So one does not need to say goodbye to the pleasure of all one's favourite foods but needs to remain moderate in eating to avoid the ill effects. Foods good to control high uric acid are:

( L to R: Giloy, Celery, Ginger, Black Cherry & Alfalfa)
Eating fruits, vegetables and salads, cereals, low protein diet, low fat dairy products and soy protein, Black Cherry, Celery, Herbs like Ginger (Adrak/Saunth), turmeric, Winter Cherry leaves (Ashwagandha), Chaste leaves (Nirgundi), seeds & dried roots of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), Indian Bedellium (Guggul), Gulancha Tinospora (Giloy or Guduchi), Boswellia (Shallaki), Tea of chamomile(Babunphul), fennel (Saunf) and mint (Pudina) etc. are known to control uric acid.
Foods/Diet to avoid to control Uric Acid: Avoid overeating. Purine rich foods such as meat especially red meat & liver, Sea food(anchovies, mackerel) Eggs, junk foods, oily foods, white wheat products, Oat meal, yeast, acidic soft & fizzy drinks, beer, whiskey, and wine, smoking, Chocolate, Coffee, Custards, Jams, Jellies, raisins Pasta, Black Tea, White rice, vinegar etc. are known to increase uric acid in the blood.

“It has also been shown that most of the old beliefs regarding dietary and food restrictions are wrong and must be discarded. Thus in the past, it was believed that vegetables and ‘daals’ that are rich in purines (e.g. asparagus, cauliflower, spinach (palak), beans, peas, mushrooms, tomatoes) could be the cause of high blood uric acid. However, new research has completely discarded this wrong notion. Now it has been proven that purines from vegetarian diet are not harmful in gout and does not cause rise in blood uric acid levels”
Drinking plenty (2-3 Litres) of water daily help the kidneys to filter uric acid more efficiently to control high levels of uric acid and reduce crystallization in the joints. Drinking a plenty of water daily also keeps the joints healthier.
Food supplements to control high Uric acid: Vitamin C found in citrus fruits (like orange, lemon) and herbal supplements like Alfalfa which contains Beta carotene, Vitamins C, D, E, K and a lot of minerals are known to help to lower uric acid levels.
References: acid_levels.html

Friday, September 16, 2011

Eye On The Eyes.

Researches for cure/treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa:

Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a group of inherited genetic disorders which cause progressive dystrophy (degeneration) of retina, specifically of its photoreceptor cells - the rods and the cones that lead to slow loss of peripheral vision (tunnel vision) and difficulties in the night vision. Gradually, at a later stage, it may lead to loss of central vision also.

Unfortunately, it is known to be incurable so far and its progression differs from case to case. However, researches are going in drug therapy, gene therapy, nutritional supplements, stem cells, artificial retinal transplant and natural retinal transplant for its treatment.

Investigators reported in 1993 that the progressive course of retinal degeneration, as assessed by the electroretinogram (ERG), was slower on average among adults with Retinitis Pigmentosa taking 15,000 international units of vitamin A palmitate daily versus those not on this dose.
However, many doctors fear such high dose of vitamin A results in liver problems. But a report presented at the Scientific Program of the 2010 American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and Middle East-Africa Council of Ophthalmology (MEACO) Joint Meeting held in Chicago has provided new hope for RP sufferers. Researchers have found that the nutrient beta carotene ( found abundantly in yellow and orange foods such as carrots and sweet potatoes) does not carry the liver risks associated with high doses of Vitamin A, can improve vision in some Retinitis Pigmentosa sufferers.

Moorefield’s clinical trials on retinal implant also called Bionic Eye is very inspiring step in patients with total vision loss. Clinical trials with the second-generation 60-electrode version are taking place in the United States, Mexico, and Europe and they have been able to restore some degree of vision.

Scientists at Livermore Lab are pushing ahead with the next generation of artificial retinas, with preclinical testing under way on a model with more than 200 electrodes. Computer simulations indicate that additional electrodes improve image quality, and lab scientists ultimately plan to develop one with at least 1,000 electrodes in the hopes of providing facial recognition and the ability to read, said principal investigator Satinderpall Pannu.

Researcher Mandy Li, Melbourne (Australia) unveiled a prototype bionic eye designed to restore sight to those with failing vision which hopefully could be the biggest breakthrough. A part of the device is surgically implanted in the eye. It is designed for patients suffering from degenerative vision loss caused by the genetic condition Retinitis Pigmentosa or age–related macular degeneration. It consists of a miniature camera, mounted on glasses, that captures images and sends them to a processor the wearer keeps in their pocket. The processor then transmits a signal wirelessly to an implant in the eye which will directly stimulate surviving neurons in the retina, signalling an image to the brain.
Those using the bionic eye will not have perfect vision restored, but they will be able to perceive points of light in their field of vision which the brain can then reconstruct into an image.

Research by Professor Silvia Bisti of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Vision Science (The Vision Centre) and University of L’Aquila, Italy, has established that saffron has remarkable effects on the genes which regulate the performance of the eye’s key vision cells.
Her research has shown that the high priced golden culinary herb made from crocus flowers not only protects the vision cells (photoreceptors) from damage, it may also acts to slow and possibly even reverse the course of blinding diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and retinitis pigmentosa .
“Saffron is not simply an antioxidant. It seems to possess a number of other properties which are protective to vision,”
“The point about saffron is that it is completely safe and harmless. It has been used in cooking and medicine for three thousand years.

Gene therapy for Retinitis Pigmentosa may prevent Blindness by Deborah Mitchell Of University of Oklahoma utilized nanoparticle technology to deliver genetic therapy inside cells of the retina. The microscopic capsule has been very effective, arriving at the designated location in the eye within 15 minutes of delivery and quickly sending its contents to nearby cells. Robert E. Leonard, MD, an ophthalmologist at the Dean McGee Eye Institute called the work “an incredible breakthrough” and said that “outside of gene therapy, we are at a loss to be able to treat these patients.”

Researchers (Shalesh Kaushal, MD, PhD, Chair of ophthalmology and Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Cell Biology and his team) at the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) believe that Valproic acid halts vision loss in patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa. Results from this study, in conjunction with prior in vitro data, suggest valproic acid may be an effective treatment for photoreceptor loss associated with RP. Patients with rapid vision loss were treated off-label with doses of valproic acid ranging from 500mg to 750mg per day over the course of two to six months, five of the seven patients in the study experienced improvement in their field of vision.

R-Tech Ueno Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan) announced it has completed a phase 2 clinical trial of 0.15% UF-021 isopropyl unoprostone (Ocuseva), which is under development as a treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa. The trial investigated the possibility of improving visual function in the central part of the retina with UF-021 in patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa.

Scientists from Buffalo, Cleveland and Oklahoma City, used a non-viral, synthetic nanoparticle to restore the vision of mice with Retinitis Pigmentosa. The mice in the study which received the nanoparticle gene therapy showed considerable signs of healing as well as structural improvement in their retinas and functional vision improvements. All of these effects lasted throughout the course of the study. In addition, no adverse side effects were noted. This is very encouraging research for a disease that up until now has had no hope for stabilization of eyesight or cure - Andrea Schumann.

As per a news report dated May 12, 2011, scientists from Schepens Eye Research Institute in Boston have successfully regenerated large areas of damaged retinas and have improved visual function in mice using IPS cells (induced pluripotent stem cells) derived from the skin - a hope of cure for people suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa and Macular Degeneration.

In a paper published in the October, 2011 issue of Experimental Biology and Medicine, a team of researchers at Columbia University Medical Center led by Stephen Tsang, MD, PhD have achieved temporary functional preservation of photoreceptors in a mouse model for Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) using novel bipartite gene therapy. Their work gives another hope of a future gene therapy cure for Retinitis Pigmentosa.

Retinitis pigmentosa is caused by neuroinflammation, which progressively damages the retina. As per report dated December, 2011, A collaborative research study among investigators at Wayne State University, the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins Medicine shows that steroids attached to the nanoparticles called dendrimers targeted the damage-causing cells associated with neuroinflammation, leaving the rest of the eye unaffected and preserving vision.

February, 2012, a significant slowing of vision loss is possible among people who have Retinitis Pigmentosa if they eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids along with taking vitamin A, according to a study published Online First by Archives of Ophthalmology. The combination of omega-3 and vitamin A had a positive impact on both distance and retinal visual acuities.

November, 2012, Professor Richard Kramer, of California University in Berkeley, said the chemical called AAQ (Acrylamide-azobenzene-quaternary ammonium) which is a photo switch when injected into the eyes binds to proteins on the surface of retinal cells. When switched on by light, it activates brain cells in much the same way as rods and cones are triggered, thus, could one day restore sight to the blind. This has already been found to repair sight in blind mice, leading to hopes for new treatments for human patients. The researchers are now working on a better compound that could eventually cure people with the genetic disease retinitis pigmentosa as well as AMD (age-related macular degeneration) degenerative blindness.

Vitamins, Supplements & Herbs for Retinal Pigment Support: Alpha Lipoic Acid, CoQ-10, Lutein, Garlic Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Green Tea Extract, Quercetin, L-Glutathione Reduced, Carotenoid Complex & Vitamin A.

References: › Aging › Eye and Vision